A Christmas Truce

Smoke, the residue of artillery shelling that morning, still lingered heavy across the muddy field. The fighting had raged for days now, a vicious cycle of shelling, a brave charge of infantry, the answer of machine gun fire, and maybe an advance of 50 yards to another line of trenches. Then, a pause to lick their wounds, bury their dead, and refill their pouches with ammunition. And then bed down for a few fitful hours of sleep before it started again in the morning.

In the cold, men steeled themselves for another freezing night. If they had any remaining, they lit a cigarette to keep warm. The silence was as deafening as the artillery barrage was this morning.

Across the wartorn battlefield, a soft chorus arose.

The familiar tune of ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’ was heard, although it must have been in German. Soldiers began to pop their heads above the trenches to see soft candlelight lining the tops of the trenches. Once the soldiers across the field stopped their verse, the English soldiers started their own…

Soldiers during the Christmas truce of 1914

The Christmas Truce of 1914 is a famous example of how faith has the power to impact men in the midst of battle. Christmas time is not just a time for lights, gifts, and family fun around the fire–for many, it is a reminder of family and friends lost and regrets of the past. It is at times like these we have to fall back on our simple faith–sometimes as simple as a beloved Christmas carol– to remember that Christ can give us peace “that surpasses all understanding”, and has already taken our pain, hurting, and loss.

I know that doesn’t make everything go away and be all bright and rosy. But just knowing that you have a Savior who loves you and cares about your life, you have a brotherhood of men behind you, and you have a glorious future ahead…

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.

We saw the glory with our own eyes,

    the one-of-a-kind glory,

    like Father, like Son,

Generous inside and out,

    true from start to finish.

John 1:14, The Message Bible

Two thousand years ago, the Creator of the Universe declared a truce with mankind. He sent his son, Jesus, to proclaim his message: Peace, God is With Us, and eternal Good will toward Men. This was God breaking his way through the heavens to meet with us, be with us, and show us what true love is. This truce stopped any inkling that God was at war with the Earth–in fact, he loves us beyond measure. Let us show that love to each other today, next year, and forever.

Soldiers during the Christmas Truce of 1914